Increase agent productivity and streamline workflows
Give your Help Center a fresh new look
Speak to a local expert about integrating Zendesk
Integrate reviews from the Google Play store into your Zendesk Support account
Display customer and order details from Shopify
Tables in tickets, finally.
View, create, and take action on support tickets from any Slack channel
Export, duplicate & translate articles. Fix broken links. Find and Replace.
Free to install
Resolve Thank You Messages And Boost Agent Satisfaction. 30 Days Free Trial.
Checklists for tickets. Child-parent ticket workflows. Manage projects.
Free 14-day trial
Display ticket metrics to agents
Official Zendesk Integration with Amazon Connect Voice & Chat
Connect your support team to the other teams in the company using
Conditionally display fields based on the values of other fields
Free 30-day trial
Vanta integration service helps make compliance easy by automating evidence collection.
by Premium Plus
From $389.00
From $249.00
by Grow Shine Services Private Limited
From $99.00
by 128ZEN
From $299.00
by Lotus Themes, Zendesk partner
Tokyo & Osaka & Hiroshima & Okinawa, Japan
エクレクトは、Zendeskの公認パートナープログラムにおいて、日本国内唯一「Reseller Partner(販売パートナー)」、「Implementation Partner(実装パートナー)」ともに最上位ランクのパートナーとして認定されています。さらに、APAC NO.1の実績が評価され「APAC Partner of the Year」を3年連続受賞しています。Zendeskのライセンス販売からコンサルティング、導入支援、システム連携、アプリケーション開発など、Zendeskに関わるすべてのサービスをワンストップで提供しており、クラウドサービスを専門に各業界で活躍したプロフェッショナルたちが、お客さまのZendesk活用の成功に向けて支援いたします。
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
New York City, United States
Picto offers businesses a suite of resources to help them build exceptional help centers and knowledge bases. Created by the founders of SupportOps, a Zendesk partner that was later acquired by Partner Hero, Picto provides everything you need to streamline internal documentation or enhance customer support.
Raleigh, United States
ArenaCX is the world’s first outsourcing management platform. Launched in 2020, ArenaCX has developed a marketplace of 130+ BPOs who together amass over 440,000 seats of capacity.
ZendeskのAPIとアプリフレームワークを使用して、アプリを自在に開発できます。 開発したアプリをマーケットプレイスで公開すれば、あらゆるZendeskユーザーの目に留まります。 公開せずに自社専用にしておくこともできます。