
Trademark Usage Guidelines

The Zendesk Marks are Zendesk intellectual property and are among our most valuable assets. In order to preserve and protect these Marks, it is essential that they are used properly. Follow these Guidelines and our Brand Style Guide for using the Zendesk Marks and brands properly in all communications, documents, and electronic messages.

These Guidelines apply to Zendesk subscribers, partners, developers, and other third parties who have a license or permission to use the Zendesk Marks in a written agreement with Zendesk. You may not use any of the Zendesk Marks unless you have a written agreement with Zendesk that contains a license or permission to use the Zendesk Marks. If you fail to follow these Trademark Usage Guidelines or any specific guidelines set forth in your agreement with Zendesk, then Zendesk retains the right to modify or revoke your license or permission to use the Zendesk Marks.

You may reference Zendesk’s products and services using the Zendesk Marks, so long as such references are: (1) truthful, fair, and not misleading, and (2) comply with these Guidelines, which may be modified from time to time by Zendesk in its sole discretion. The Zendesk Marks should never be used in a way that could cause anyone wrongly to believe that your products or services are offered, endorsed, or sponsored by Zendesk or any of its subsidiaries.

Specific Do’s and Dont’s

Zendesk Suppliers and Vendors

Please follow the specific trademark usage guidelines, if any, contained in your agreement with Zendesk. Use of the Zendesk Marks must be explicitly approved by Zendesk Procurement and Branding. Please contact your Zendesk representative with any questions regarding the approval process.

Trademark Notices

Properly designate the status of the Zendesk Marks by using the correct trademark symbol (® or ™) reflecting Zendesk’s ownership of particular marks as set forth below. Also include an attribution of Zendesk’s ownership in the following format at the bottom of the first page where you use a Zendesk Mark: “_______ is a trademark of Zendesk, Inc.”

You must properly designate (with ® or ™) the Zendesk Marks at the first or most prominent use where the Marks appear in your document, publication, website, or elsewhere (for example, in a title, heading, or sub-heading). Subsequent references to the same Zendesk Mark may omit the notice symbol.

Trademarks are Singular Adjectives, Not Verbs and Should Not be Made Possessive

Use the Zendesk Marks only as adjectives followed by the appropriate generic product or service noun describing the relevant product or service. Examples of appropriate generic terms include: service, software, platform, technology, or application (e.g., “the Zendesk® help desk platform rocks” or “the Zendesk® application is excellent”). The Zendesk Marks should not be used in plural or possessive form or as verbs.

References to Zendesk, Inc.

When Zendesk is used to refer to our company, Zendesk, Inc., rather than as a brand of product or services, then the rules for proper usage change slightly. Unlike trademarks, company names are proper nouns; they can be used in the possessive form and do not need to be followed by a generic term. Neither the ™ nor ® symbol should accompany references to Zendesk as a company. Example:

Correct: Zendesk is now offering its customers more choices than ever.
Incorrect: Zendesk® is now offering its customers more choices than ever.

Ownership Assertion

Do not assert rights over any Zendesk Mark and do not seek to obtain trademark protection for any Zendesk Marks or variations thereof. Do not incorporate a Zendesk Mark or variations thereof into your own product or service names, trademarks, logos, social media handles, or company names. Do not use the Zendesk Marks in domain names and do not register for domains that include a Zendesk Mark or variations thereof.

Style of Use

When using the Zendesk Marks that are logos: (i) follow the style and usage guidelines available in our Brand Style Guide; (ii) use our logos exactly as they appear in the Brand Style Guide, and do not alter or distort their appearance in any way, for example, by adding your own design elements or changing the font, colors, or size; (iii) allow for clear space around our logos; and (iv) maintain the legibility of our logos and keep them sharp, clear, and well-produced.

When using our word marks, you may not abbreviate them, incorporate them into acronyms, change their spelling, use them in parts, or use improper capitalization.

No Trademark Bidding

Unless expressly permitted in an agreement between you and Zendesk, you may not bid on a Zendesk Mark (or any variant or extension thereof) as a keyword on any search engine, or use a Zendesk Mark (or any variant or extension thereof) in any form of paid advertising including, but not limited to, paid social and display advertisements.

No Tarnishment

You may not use a Zendesk Mark in a disparaging, defamatory, libelous, or degrading manner.

Zendesk Logos

The following is an illustrative, non-exhaustive list of logos owned by Zendesk. Because this list of logos and their status could change over time, including as we add new products and services, please review this section in these Guidelines periodically. Please note that the absence of a product or service name or logo from the list below does not constitute a waiver of Zendesk’s intellectual property rights in that name or logo. The stylized “Z” logo is a registered trademark of Zendesk, Inc.

Zendesk Word Marks

Zendesk Suite™
Answer Bot®
Flow Builder™
Zendesk Sunshine®
Zendesk Chat™
Zendesk Explore™
Zendesk Gather™
Zendesk Guide™
Zendesk Sell™
Zendesk Support™
Zendesk Talk™
The Intelligent Heart of Customer Experience™
Conversational CRM™
The Customer Is Always Human™
AI That Knows It’s All About You™
Customer Experience With AI Built For Humans™
AI That Has The Answer Before You Even Ask™
AI That Puts Humans First™
AI Built For Humans™
AI On Your Terms™

If you become aware of any usage of Zendesk trademarks or brands in violation of these Guidelines, please contact us.

Zendesk Trade Dress Marks

The Zendesk user interface design trademarks and trade dress, including its look and feel are property of Zendesk, Inc.