
White Paper 1 min read

Engaged employees and collaboration: how internal help desks help

Employee expectations are rising in tandem with customer expectations. Your employees expect the same kind of service at work as they do from the brands they love. When they interact with you, they expect the responses to their issues to be personalized and friendly, efficient and convenient.

New research between Zendesk and Culture Amp reveals clear links between collaboration, employee engagement, and stellar customer service. For the following report, Collaboration, employee engagement, and customer service: how internal help desks help, Zendesk and Culture Amp looked at 304 companies and 12,358 customer service agents to perform an analysis based on the data of their mutual customers—product usage data from Zendesk and survey data of employee engagement from Culture Amp.

Key findings:

  1. A great IHD means higher employee engagement

  2. A great IHD means better cross-functional collaboration

  3. Companies that invest internally have happier employees

  4. A great IHD fuels overall success

Engaged employees and collaboration: how internal help desks help